Our little precious baby boy is now what he calls himself a "Big Boy." "I not a baby anymore Momma, I am big boy." Although he still likes me to sometimes hold him like a baby.
This past weekend we celebrated his 3rd Birthday. He wasted a basketball theme so I thought we would go ahead and just do a sports theme. We are not big basketball people. I even tried to steer him away from having a basketball party, but no he was persistent. ha. My husband and friends know who I like to throw parties. My husband just stands back and lets me do all the work. (I like it that way)
This past weekend we celebrated his 3rd Birthday. He wasted a basketball theme so I thought we would go ahead and just do a sports theme. We are not big basketball people. I even tried to steer him away from having a basketball party, but no he was persistent. ha. My husband and friends know who I like to throw parties. My husband just stands back and lets me do all the work. (I like it that way)
Here are the invites I made for his party.

His Birthday Cake...he loved it (I only had one candle lol)

This is his teacher Mrs. E-ah (Maria) he wanted her to hold her while we sang Happy Birthday! He loves her! (it is so sad, because on Monday he will move out of her room and into a new teacher's room, it is sad on all ends!)

And lastly the Birthday Boy acting silly, he didn't want to take this picture lol.
It is amazing on how much he has changed. His little face is thinning out, his feet are getting bigger and he is getting hair on his legs. Before I know it our 3 year old will be a teenager! I cherish every moment I get to cuddle with him and all the lizards kisses he gives me and all the I love yous!